Good Friends and Good Music Go Together

Somewhere between water skiing , disc golf, and finishing a triathlon, I concluded that I have a lot to be grateful for in my life.

I have friends who enrich my days. I am physically healthy and fit. My ambitions to go after my dream is stronger than ever before. It is important that I keep myself physically and emotionally fit every single day because I have so much to do. So much to live for. So many opportunities. 

Lately, I have been remembering how lucky I am to have friends and family who support my goal to become a professional storyteller.  I have loved music all my life and am excited to pursue opportunities to share my music and stories with the world. This is a dream of mine and I intend to see it through. And if it is to be it's up to me. 

Jon and I went to the Trucks Tedeschi band concert in Boston last evening. The huge tent of the Blue Hills Band Pavillion was a beautiful white canopy that accented the stage and people very well. Our seats were center mezzanine and we had an excellent view of the all the band on stage. However, the tables in the back were also available, and with equally as good a view. This is the photo from that table in the back.  Plus we could put our beer on the table instead of setting it to the side before clapping after each song. It was the best time ever. 

Looking forward to more good times with good friends. I love my life.