Feeling Philosophical

Inspiration for a good story is everywhere. And I can’t imagine a better inspirational spark than hiking through an enchanted forest and conquering a mountain. For my 30th birthday, my friends and I climbed Mt. Monadnock. With nothing more than trail mix and savvy hiker aviators, I found more than a good view when we finally reached the top.

Dancing shadows and tall maple trees made the Dublin Trail a crisp canape of shady groves and lush meadows. I get philosophical when I hike. I ask myself questions like, “What have I made of myself” , and “What sort of impact am I making on the world?” A few seconds or so do I usually give those questions before dismissing the foggy answer. So much is unclear, and so I climb a mountain to sort things out.

The wandering is very appealing to me. I suppose walking on wood chips and old logs has a way of helping me shut things down and focus on nothing more than the steps ahead. It makes me feel free and less restricted and less influenced on which way is the ‘right’ way. How often do we find ourselves questioning whether we have chosen the ‘right’ path in life? I wonder that sometimes. And I wonder about all the decisions I’ve made throughout my schooling and careers and if they were the ‘right’ decisions. There is not one ‘right’ path to the top of this mountain, there are many paths to the top and all of them are right.

I feel our American culture has a way of forcing you to choose what to do and who to become. We place a lot of importance on accomplishment and becoming successful, chasing that dream so that one day we can be happy. We are conditioned to believe the result of a successful life is measured by the car we drive, the job we have,  the house we own, and how much money we have.

I think it’s time to be inspired.

While reading Toastmasters magazine the other day, I came across this quote by a previous International President.

“...Inside each of us is a special, unique song waiting to be sung. These are the songs that inspire me. When we sing our song, we touch a heart. By touching a heart, we make the world a better place. In the process, we become a star….Through Toastmasters , we can help people sing their song, and provide a path of hope for the world to see." - Robert Barnhill

Life isn’t about finding the right path through it. Life doesn't make us go out and find it’s meaning. Perhaps all life is about is sharing our song with the world. Nothing is as finite as it may seem because there is always another path to choose. 

And so I am the happiest for investing time with my friends and creating a memorable experience from which I draw inspiration to be creative. What inspires you?